Resurrection: The Transformation Of Men Of Faith Into Mighty Gods
For those who have faith, death is actually a remarkable event. At the time of death, a phenomenon called the 'essence of the resurrection of the dead', becomes enabled by the Holy Spirit. This essence transmutes the substance of a man's fleshy body, to a higher form, so that the man's body becomes like the substance of the bodies of beings found in higher planes of existence.
It is important to realize that the essence of a transmuted body cannot be quickened or made alive, until the body disintegrates at the time of death. When this happens, the will of the righteous man (which is in tune with the will of God on account of the life the man lived in faith) triggers the Holy Spirit to breathe on the pliant substance of the man's dead body, transforming it from carnal form, to divine form.
The above is based on The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age 178:36-46, and is consistent with 1 Corinthians 15.
The above describes the mechanics of the resurrection process. The following describes the type of being, someone who has faith, becomes transformed into.
Chapter 96
"He then, who shall receive the one and only word of that mystery, which I have told you, if he cometh forth out of the body of the matters of the rulers, and if the retributive receivers come and free him from the body of matter of the rulers,--that is those [receivers] who free from the body all out-going souls,--when, therefore, the retributive receivers free the soul which hath received this one and only mystery of the Ineffable, which I have just told you, then will it straightway, if it be set free from the body of matter, become a great light-stream in the midst of those receivers, and the receivers will be exceedingly afraid of the light of that soul, and the receivers will be made powerless and fall down and desist altogether for fear of the great light which they have seen.
"And the soul which receiveth the mystery of the Ineffable, will soar into the height, being a great light-stream, and the receivers will not be able to seize it and will not know how the way is fashioned upon which it will go. For it becometh a great light-stream and soareth into the height, and no power is able to hold it down at all, nor will they be able to come nigh it at all.
"But it will pass through all the regions of the rulers and all the regions of the emanations of the Light, and it will not give answers in any region, nor giveth it any apologies, nor giveth it any tokens; neither will any power of the rulers nor any power of the emanations of the Light be able to come nigh that soul. But all the regions of the rulers and all the regions of the emanations of the Light,--every one singeth unto it praises in their regions, in fear of the light of the stream which envelopeth that soul, until it passeth through them all, and goeth to the region of the inheritance of the mystery which it hath received,--that is to the mystery of the One and Only, the Ineffable,--and until it becometh one with its Limbs. Amēn, I say unto you: It will be in all the regions in the time a man shooteth an arrow. "Now, therefore, amēn, I say unto you: Every man who will receive that mystery of the Ineffable and accomplish it in all its types and all its figures,--he is a man in the world, but he towereth above all angels and will tower still more above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all archangels and will tower still more above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all tyrants and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all lords and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all gods and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all light-givers and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all pure [ones] and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all triple-powers and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all forefathers and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all invisibles and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above the great invisible forefather and will raise himself above him.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all those of the Midst and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above the emanations of the Treasury of the Light and will raise himself above them all.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above the Mixture and will raise himself entirely above it.
"He is a man in the world, but he towereth above the whole region of the Treasury and will raise himself entirely above it.
"He is a man in the world, but he will rule with me in my kingdom.
"He is a man in the world, but he is king in the Light.
"He is a man in the world, but he is not one of the world.
"And amēn, I say unto you: That man is I and I am that man.
"And at the dissolution of the world, that is when the universe will be raised up and when the numbering of the perfect souls will be raised up all together, and when I am king in the midst of the last Helper, being king over all the emanations of the Light and king over the seven Amēns and the five Trees and the three Amēns and the nine guards, and being king over the Child of the Child, that is the Twin-saviours, and being king over the twelve saviours and over the whole numbering of the perfect souls who shall receive the mysteries in the Light,--then will all men who shall receive the mysteries in the Ineffable, be fellow-kings with me and will sit on my right and on my left in my kingdom.
"And amēn, I say unto you: Those men are I, and I am they.
"On this account have I said unto you aforetime: 'Ye will sit on your thrones on my right and on my left in my kingdom and will rule with me.'
"On this account, therefore, I have not hesitated nor have I been ashamed to call you my brethren and my companions, because ye will be fellow-kings with me in my kingdom. This, therefore, I say unto you, knowing that I will give you the mystery of the Ineffable; that is: That mystery is I, and I am that mystery.
"Now, therefore, not only will ye reign with me, but all men who shall receive the mystery of the Ineffable, will be fellow-kings with me in my kingdom. And I am they, and they are I. But my throne will tower over them. [And] because ye will suffer sorrows in the world beyond all men, until ye herald forth all the words which I shall speak unto you, your thrones shall be joined to mine in my kingdom.
"On this account I have said unto you aforetime: 'Where I shall be, there will be also my twelve ministers.' But Mary Magdalene and John, the virgin, will tower over all my disciples and over all men who shall receive the mysteries in the Ineffable. And they will be on my right and on my left. And I am they, and they are I.
Therefore, really and truly, the death of someone who has faith, is in the grand scheme of things, a wondrous event. When someone has genuine faith for quite a while, he becomes convinced to take the above view of things.
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