P. Douglas

Having Faith is: ASKING God for things, AND BELIEVING you will receive them - Mark 11:22-24.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Having And Pursuing Great Faith

It is important to realize that the point of us being here on earth, is to see who will have faith, and pursue it the most (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). The prize for this, is the opportunity to become the highest ranking beings in the union of God, after Christ (1 Corinthians 3:21-22).

Please read here for practical steps on how you can have faith. The following builds on the above referenced steps, giving you the capacity to increase your faith appreciably, and have faith very effectively. (Remember, having faith is saying what you want and believing you will receive it, or asking God for what you want and believing you will receive it – Mark 11:22-24.)

1) Make repeating one or more sentences containing your request to God, the cornerstone of your praying. E.g. if you want great intelligence, repeat for a number of minutes, the sentence, “Father, give me great intelligence.” Try to pray in the above fashion every time you pray privately. If you feel comfortable doing this with other people, by all means do so. Note also, the faster you repeat your prayer sentences within a given time (e.g. a half hour), the more effective your prayer will be.

If you want, you can actually write out your prayer sentence or sentences on a piece of paper, and read them as your prayer to God. God will understand what you are doing.

2) Visualize the end result of what you want while you are praying. If it seems difficult for you to do this, draw a picture of the end result you want, and look at the picture while you are praying. E.g. if you are sick and you would like to become well again, picture yourself healthy, and repeat for a number of minutes, the following sentence in prayer, “Father, please end my sickness.” (This step is extremely, extremely effective at making what you pray for come true.)

3) Pray using a powerful name of God. This is extremely important. There are many names of God ranging from extremely weak to extremely powerful. The more powerful the name of God you use in your prayers, the more effective your prayers will be. Provided you practice having faith at a reasonable level, you can literally throw mountains into oceans by using a suitably powerful name of God. The catch is, the more powerful the name of God, the more guarded it is in secret, and the more praying you will have to do, in order to obtain it.

One thing a lot of people do not realize, is that the original names of God that were used in Old Testament texts in the Bible, were replaced by weaker names to minimize the possibility or consequence of people taking God's name in vain. These original names of God in Old Testament texts are fairly powerful - and significantly more powerful than the weak, generic name 'God'. (They are however not nearly as powerful as the name of God used by Jesus and his disciples.) As a consequence, when you use the original names of God in your prayers, they make your prayers significantly more effective.

Notwithstanding the above, the name ‘Father’ is the most powerful name of God I’ve been able to find. This is reasonable, considering the Father is the highest God there is, and is the source of all things.  Therefore it is not unreasonable to expect, that even the Father’s ordinary name, is more powerful compared to some of the secret names of other Gods in the godhead. Therefore if you were for example to repeat the following sentence (over and over) in prayer, you would find it to be very effective: "My sickness is gone, in the name of The Father."

When you combine all the steps above, you will find yourself praying fairly powerful prayers. E.g. you can visualize (or stare at a picture / drawing of) what you want, and repeat the following prayer sentence until you obtain what you are looking for: "I have the job I want, in the name of in the name of the Father."

Abiding by the above steps a whole lot (e.g. several hours a day) will increase your faith and other spiritual qualities appreciably, and will result in you having qualities that approach - and even exceed - those of the prophets, apostles, and others in the bible. The catch is that you have to do this over a considerable period of time (praying several hours a day for a number of months or years), to see it happen – i.e. the showing up specifically of apostle level qualities. (Also see here.)

A person doesn’t have to pray several hours a day consistent with the instructions above, to gain increased effectiveness in his praying. Someone can do well praying for maybe twenty minutes a day. Remember however, the longer you pray, the more effective your prayers overall will be.

Step 1) is very important for not only being able to pray effective prayers, but to also ensure that your level of having faith does not fall below the minimum level God finds satisfactory. E.g. if you pray around 20 minutes a day asking God for a number of things (in a non-repetitive manner), and also praise God directly a lot during these times, your practice of having faith, can actually lie at a level that is below what God considers satisfactory. However if you pray for the same amount of time, strictly “asking and believing” for things in a repetitive manner, and don’t actually praise God directly for certain things during your prayers, your level of having faith will actually be satisfactory to God. (See here for why praising God directly, can undermine your having faith.)

I’m not against praising God, and I believe you should praise God if you feel inclined to do so. It is however important to realize that praising God is not the same as having faith, and you should not consider the time that you spend praising God, time invested in having faith. These two times are very different. Therefore considering the fact that we are saved and made righteous by (specifically) having faith (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:28), you should ensure that you first spend sufficient time having faith, then spend time praising God - if you feel so inclined.

The process of praying ever more effectively is ongoing. It never stops. It is a phenomenon in which someone keeps pushing the limits of what he can do via faith, and God via His Holy Spirit showing him more and more (through thoughts and other means), how he can accomplish it. I therefore expect the above steps to be revised a number of times, as I try to attain great faith myself. This blog post will be updated several times, to reflect the new information I come by. (I will place a note at the bottom of the post, when the post gets updated.)

Post Last Updated: 09/06/2010


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