P. Douglas

Having Faith is: ASKING God for things, AND BELIEVING you will receive them - Mark 11:22-24.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The End Of This Age Of Mankind

There are a number of web sites that indicate that this current age of mankind is approximately 6,000 years old. (See here for an example.) Two non-biblical scriptures indicate that the conclusion of this current age of mankind will happen shortly as a result.

Epistle of Barnabas

Chapter 15

1 Furthermore it was written concerning the Sabbath in the ten words which he spake on Mount Sinai face to face to Moses. "Sanctify also the Sabbath of the Lord with pure hands and a pure heart."

2 And in another place he says, "If my sons keep the Sabbath, then will I bestow my mercy upon them."

3 He speaks of the Sabbath at the beginning o fthe Creation, "And God made in six days the works of his hands and on the seventh day he made an end, and rested in it and sanctified it."

4 Notice, children, what is the meaning of "He made an end in six days"? He means this: that the Lord will make an end of everything in six thousand years, for a day with him means a thousand years. And he himself is my witness when he says, "Lo, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years." So then, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything will be completed.

5 "And he rested on the seventh day." This means, when his Son comes he will destroy the time of the wicked one, and will judge the godless, and will change the sun and the moon and the stars, and then he will truly rest on the seventh day.

Gospel Of Bartholomew


11 Jesus saith unto him: Hades said unto Beliar: As I perceive, a God cometh hither. [Slavonic and latin 2 continue: And the angels cried unto the powers, saying: Remove your gates, ye princes, remove the everlasting doors, for behold the King of glory cometh down.

12 Hades said: Who is the King of glory, that cometh down from heaven unto us?

13 And when I had descended five hundred steps, Hades was troubled, saying: I hear the breathing of the Most High, and I cannot endure it. (latin 2. He cometh with great fragrance and I cannot bear it.) 14 But the devil answered and said: Submit not thyself, O Hades, but be strong: for God himself hath not descended upon the earth. 15 But when I had descended yet five hundred steps, the angels and the powers cried out: Take hold, remove the doors, for behold the King of glory cometh down. And Hades said: O, woe unto me, for I hear the breath of God.]

Greek. 16-17 And Beliar said unto Hades: Look carefully who it is that , for it is Elias, or Enoch, or one of the prophets that this man seemeth to me to be. But Hades answered Death and said: Not yet are six thousand years accomplished. And whence are these, O Beliar; for the sum of the number is in mine hands.

[Slavonic. 16 And the devil said unto Hades: Why affrightest thou me, Hades? it is a prophet, and he hath made himself like unto God: this prophet will we take and bring him hither unto those that think to ascend into heaven. 17 And Hades said: Which of the prophets is it? Show me: Is it Enoch the scribe of righteousness? But God hath not suffered him to come down upon the earth before the end of the six thousand years. Sayest thou that it is Elias, the avenger? But before he cometh not down. What shall I do, whereas the destruction is of God: for surely our end is at hand? For I have the number (of the years) in mine hands.]

Finally, in the Apocryphon of John, Christ endorsed Zoroastrian texts:

"This is the number of the angels: together they are 365. They all worked on it until, limb for limb, the natural and the material body was completed by them. Now there are other ones in charge over the remaining passions whom I did not mention to you. But if you wish to know them, it is written in the book of Zoroaster.

Also see here.

The following is taken from this web page:

By taking the distance from the start of the Ascending Passageway to the third Girdle Stone (of Zoroaster), 863.80201733 P", and subtracting it from the distance of the third Overlay (of Zoroaster), 1863.80201733 P", you get 1000.000 P", or January 1st, 1000 B.C., the date for the birth of Zoroaster.

Zoroaster said, One thousand years after my birth you will see a star in the sky. Follow it and you will come to a manger, and there you will find me. We all know the Christmas story of the Magi (Zoroastrian priests) who followed the star and came to the manger and found the infant Jesus, bringing him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Zoroaster said he lived 3000 years before his birth, 109 and 3000 years after his birth the forces of light would win over the forces of darkness. Thus one may conclude that Zoroaster was the middle Manifestation of the Adamic cycle, coming 3000 years after the Advent of Adam in 4000 B.C., the start of the Adamic cycle.

Three thousand years after the birth of Zoroaster the Adamic cycle will be ended.

Now there is generally some dispute over the date of the birth of Zoroaster, but I'm inclined to accept the above as being accurate - since it and Zoroaster's claims are consistent with inspired texts. Also I'm convinced of the soundness of the information in the quotation immediately above, since the information is corroborated elsewhere.

Therefore the Epistle of Barnabas, the Gospel of Bartholomew, and Zoroaster, all concur that that our current age of mankind will end in a few years.