Overview Of The Godhead
The following is an excerpt from a response I posted on 123 Christian Forums. I thought there might be some people out there who might find what I wrote interesting.
"Let me clarify a few things. God refers to the name of the Godhead, which includes not just 3 individuals, but rather countless esteemed beings – including men and angels. Each of these beings bears the common titles, Lord and God. It is important to realize that the Father is the first man, the Holy Spirit is His consort and belongs to the order of man, and Christ is their first son – hence His title, Son of Man. All men and women who have faith correctly have the same spiritual composition of Christ, and are hence sons of the Father and the Holy Spirit like Christ – though they all come after Christ in rank. Now the Godhead consists of many orders or types of Gods – which includes many highly esteemed angels. In addition to this, many angels that attend to the Father, Holy Spirit, and Christ, are identified as being one and the same as them. This means that there are angels of the Holy Spirit who are called the Holy Spirit, by virtue of the fact they attend to and actually constitute the being, the Holy Spirit. One class of these angels is called the Holy Ones, who are divine beings of Light. It is these angels (who are Gods) who reside in all men and women who have faith correctly. When Christ said make your light shine, He meant make the qualities of these angels of light, be seen in you – which can only take place by having faith correctly.
I could go on and on. E.g. there are triple-powered beings that are part of the Godhead, as well as a being called Pistis Sophia, who sought after God, fell into error by creating our material universe without her consort, but was redeemed by the Father because of her faith. Now it was important for Pistis to have erred, so that she could be tested, and on passing the test, receive far greater glorification than she had originally. That is the fate of everyone who seeks his or her fullness of being (i.e. full potential) in the Father – they must sink into error, be tested, and then be elevated. That is also the reason seeds of God (mankind) were planted in this material universe – so that they may be tested and elevated to be highest order of God - after the Father and the Holy Spirit.
The Father therefore found it necessary to allow the material universe with all its deficiencies to arise, and to have war break out in heaven in which the God Lucifer, broke away from the Godhead, and sought to establish himself above the Father, and the Godhead. (Lucifer’s rebellion was precipitated by his refusal to worship man, which the Father placed above him.) This lead to Lucifer and his angels leading the wicked forces of this material universe, to war with man. They all hate mankind bitterly, and is the reason mankind is ignorant about who he is, and now sins profusely. Also, Lucifer and his forces are to be ultimately defeated by man, bringing an end to the material universe and their existences.
Regarding Daniel 10, remember there are many, many Gods in the Godhead, with different ranks, power, and authority. The Father is the God of all Gods in the God hierarchy, and He is unique in being omniscient, and omnipotent, and does not need anything from anyone – rather He is the ultimate source of everything. He knows everything before it happens, and nothing happens (not even a leaf falling, or a sub atomic particle vibrating) without His approval – and this is just a fraction of His abilities that He has seen fit to show His creation. All other Gods in the Godhead do have limits, and practice petitioning the Father ultimately for things – that is what God considers having faith (it is the act of asking God for things and believing you will receive them – Mark 11:22-24).
Therefore when Daniel in Daniel 10 saw a God from the Godhead (who was above him) in a vision, you should not be surprised that the God was constrained and needed help from Michael – the same principle applies to all those who have faith who are Gods (John 10:34), who rely on help from the Holy Spirit and God’s other angels to get things done."
(Please note that you view can some of my discussions on the above forums here.)
"Let me clarify a few things. God refers to the name of the Godhead, which includes not just 3 individuals, but rather countless esteemed beings – including men and angels. Each of these beings bears the common titles, Lord and God. It is important to realize that the Father is the first man, the Holy Spirit is His consort and belongs to the order of man, and Christ is their first son – hence His title, Son of Man. All men and women who have faith correctly have the same spiritual composition of Christ, and are hence sons of the Father and the Holy Spirit like Christ – though they all come after Christ in rank. Now the Godhead consists of many orders or types of Gods – which includes many highly esteemed angels. In addition to this, many angels that attend to the Father, Holy Spirit, and Christ, are identified as being one and the same as them. This means that there are angels of the Holy Spirit who are called the Holy Spirit, by virtue of the fact they attend to and actually constitute the being, the Holy Spirit. One class of these angels is called the Holy Ones, who are divine beings of Light. It is these angels (who are Gods) who reside in all men and women who have faith correctly. When Christ said make your light shine, He meant make the qualities of these angels of light, be seen in you – which can only take place by having faith correctly.
I could go on and on. E.g. there are triple-powered beings that are part of the Godhead, as well as a being called Pistis Sophia, who sought after God, fell into error by creating our material universe without her consort, but was redeemed by the Father because of her faith. Now it was important for Pistis to have erred, so that she could be tested, and on passing the test, receive far greater glorification than she had originally. That is the fate of everyone who seeks his or her fullness of being (i.e. full potential) in the Father – they must sink into error, be tested, and then be elevated. That is also the reason seeds of God (mankind) were planted in this material universe – so that they may be tested and elevated to be highest order of God - after the Father and the Holy Spirit.
The Father therefore found it necessary to allow the material universe with all its deficiencies to arise, and to have war break out in heaven in which the God Lucifer, broke away from the Godhead, and sought to establish himself above the Father, and the Godhead. (Lucifer’s rebellion was precipitated by his refusal to worship man, which the Father placed above him.) This lead to Lucifer and his angels leading the wicked forces of this material universe, to war with man. They all hate mankind bitterly, and is the reason mankind is ignorant about who he is, and now sins profusely. Also, Lucifer and his forces are to be ultimately defeated by man, bringing an end to the material universe and their existences.
Regarding Daniel 10, remember there are many, many Gods in the Godhead, with different ranks, power, and authority. The Father is the God of all Gods in the God hierarchy, and He is unique in being omniscient, and omnipotent, and does not need anything from anyone – rather He is the ultimate source of everything. He knows everything before it happens, and nothing happens (not even a leaf falling, or a sub atomic particle vibrating) without His approval – and this is just a fraction of His abilities that He has seen fit to show His creation. All other Gods in the Godhead do have limits, and practice petitioning the Father ultimately for things – that is what God considers having faith (it is the act of asking God for things and believing you will receive them – Mark 11:22-24).
Therefore when Daniel in Daniel 10 saw a God from the Godhead (who was above him) in a vision, you should not be surprised that the God was constrained and needed help from Michael – the same principle applies to all those who have faith who are Gods (John 10:34), who rely on help from the Holy Spirit and God’s other angels to get things done."
(Please note that you view can some of my discussions on the above forums here.)